S’s second Follistim shot is on board. We let it sit at room temp much longer today and there was less stinging. Hooray!

I have been thinking a lot about what we do each cycle to increase our odds. Not just medication wise, but things like pineapple, POM Juice etc.  I usually have to nag S a bit to try any of these but she does it, mainly to humor me. I appreciate it though. It feels good to be doing something to increase our chances. It’s a nice distraction while waiting to test. I think it helps the semi-control freak in me feel as though I am helping things along.

We usually do pineapple and POM juice. We are adding green tea during stims and eggs throughout, not at the same time though 🙂 We will be keeping her feet warm with socks all during the TWW.

So, if you are up to sharing, please let me know I am not the only one who does this stuff and share your “little helpers”.

I hope you all had a great week and have wonderful weekend plans.